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noviembre 2018 - Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes e Instaladores de Productos Refractarios, Materiales y Servicios Afines

Entradas de noviembre de 2018

Nov 26

AACHEN 2018: Raw materials, price evolution in the spotlight

Attendees discuss how market participants will secure supply for the coming year, and how prices are expected to perform going forward. Raw material supply and market price performance were once again the leading topics of conversation among delegates at the 61st International Colloquium on Refractories in Aachen, Germany, in September. As was the case in …

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Nov 20

3rd Freiberg-Symposium on Refractories 2018

Cases of Damage to Refractory Linings and Ways to Avoid Them New methods and the exchange of experience on reconditioning refractory linings in the event of their damage were the focus of the programme. A lot of scope was consciously given for the important technical exchange between attendees. The venue of the symposium, Tivoli, provided …

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Nov 12

The Influence of Alkalis on Properties of Alumina-Silica Refractories

Alkali resistance of refractories plays a role wherever alkali loaded gases or dusts have the chance to be deposited in the structure and to react with the refractory material, e.g. dust chambers or combustion chambers.

Nov 05

El pasado 23 de octubre tuvo lugar en la sede de Anfre en Madrid la Junta Directiva y las reuniones de nuestros distintos comités

En esta ocasión nos centramos, entre otros, en la traducción del libro “Refractory Engineering”, tema del que  llevamos unas cuantas reuniones hablando y que parece que finalmente se va a va a llevar a cabo, debido a la importante que creemos que tiene disponer del libro en Castellano. Otro de los temas que se confirmó …

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