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diciembre 2018 - Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes e Instaladores de Productos Refractarios, Materiales y Servicios Afines

Entradas de diciembre de 2018

Dic 31

Cement-Free Refractory Concretes for Stress-Reduced Structures

Refractory concretes have significantly increased their importance for the production of steel, aluminium, cement, lime and the like. Thus, more and more their properties have come into focus, so not only the installation behaviour is important, but drying-out and heating-up procedure and performance regarding thermomechanical and thermochemical behaviour as well.

Dic 26

China Magnesia Supply Tightness has Turned the Magnesium Compounds Industry Around in 2018

China dominates world magnesia supply, accounting for 70% of world magnesi production capacity and 60% of world production. Chinese magnesia production levels have been increasing since 2000 to feed the domestic demand for refractories for the growing steel industry in addition o support the growing exports of magnesia carbon bricks.

Dic 22

ANFRE te desea … Felices Fiestas!!!

Dic 17

Bauxite – Price briefing October 12-18

The market for calcined bauxite and fused alumina carries on in a state of limbo at the beginning of the fourth quarter due to a continued lack of clarity on the extent of the supply issues in China. Participants are facing hard questions about issues of continuity of supply from China amid a slowdown in …

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Dic 12

Krosaki AMR Refractarios S.A.u., ha anunciado la compra del productor de refractarios Refractaria S.A.

Krosaki AMR Refractarios S.A.u., filial del Grupo Japonés Krosaki Harima Corporation, ha anunciado la compra del productor de refractarios Refractaria S.A. localizado en Siero Asturias, España en el dia 30 de Noviembre, 2018. Refractaria S.A. es un productor de referencia de productos aluminosos conformados y no conformados, dedicados a la industria del acero, cemento, fundición, …

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