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enero 2018 - Asociación Nacional de Fabricantes e Instaladores de Productos Refractarios, Materiales y Servicios Afines

Entradas de enero de 2018

Ene 29

Henan enforces mass brown fused alumina shutdown from November

The Henan government has ramped up efforts to combat pollution by implementing yet more shutdowns of brown fused alumina production later this year. This is set to cause more global supply disruptions since output was already intermittent in recent months. The government of Henan province in China will enforce large-scale brown fused alumina production stoppages from November 2017 …

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Ene 02

Raw Material Innovations – a Key Success Factor in a Fast Changing Refractories World

The recent global economic difficulties have resulted in overcapacities in many industries and the refractory industry isn’t an exception. In an uncertain environment driven by the slowing Chinese economy and the low crude oil price many industries have slowed down their investments.

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